Well what do you know!

This is sooooo cool. I thought I had already lost my other Sanrio things and had only managed to retrieve the ones you saw on my blog a few days ago, but nope, the rest of my Sanrio loot are still here! I was able to find these– they were very well- kept. So much so that I didn’t even remember where these were, until last night, when I decided to dig through some of my old college things! Check them out, they’re really well- preserved!! *hahaha I need to keep these… I wanna start a museum hahaha, not of bags, but of these Sanrio stuff !!!*

So again folks, here are more things that I had hoarded over the course of my life in school!Cheery Chums– remember them? All these you see are in pristine condition, never used! Even the pencil case has not been used at all. Just goes to show what a true hoarder I really am!

All these pencils and pens!! Finding these was like finding a long- lost friend. I was ecstatic to have been “reunited” with these. They’re real treasures.

You see these below? These were the little gift tags that you would get when you purchase something at Sanrio. The sales folks at Sanrio would stick these little things onto your paperbag I still have something of Tuxedo Sam *lower right– that mint green magnifier* 🙂 I am sooo happy! My trip, though not as fruitful in terms of window shopping (forget shopping, this baghag’s been real good with money *beams*), is definitely very productive when it comes to unearthing old treasures 🙂 I’m really happy!!

I was actually hoping to score some more cute stuff from Sanrio a few days ago when I passed by the mall, but the sad thing is, our Sanrio shop didn’t really have much merchandise anymore. And holy cow, everything was SO expensive!!

I’m just glad I still have these “old” new things with me. They’re definitely going back to the Philippines with me, as I had already gotten myself a few plastic drawers to keep these “treasures” 🙂


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  1. I have that Hello Kitty pen with the flower on top too! 🙂

    I’ll definitely visit your museum of Sanrio things! Haha!

  2. @pa3cia +appledumplings: do u still have the pen? 🙂

    @tomtuttle: i was so stoked to find some tuxedosam stuff from my collection 🙂 long forgotten! But am so glad i unearthed them!

    @pbb: it’s true but we cant even fault store owbers because the government’s the one imposong all these taxes

  3. I still have the pen! 🙂 I didn’t get to use it though, it dried up! I just kept it for collection!