Versace bags are consistently…

…bugly! *Sorryyyy Versace fans!*
Had to write about Versace after Women’s Wear Daily posted Versace’s announcement of the closure of its press office in the U.S. and is outsourcing its PR efforts instead. (Good. They finally thought of hiring serious pros :D… but perhaps even the best PR team can’t save those bags… hehehehe *mean baghag alert!* Ok I’ll give them a chance… in a few months!)

Coincidentally, it seems that Neiman Marcus has ceased carrying Versace bags. Smart move for NM, and for good reason. All the post- Gianni Versace bags I’ve ever seen were either gaudy or extremely gaudy (sorry DM, I know you find some of the bags nice, but the whole bag collection of the brand just doesn’t cut it for me hehehe).  I don’t know how Donatella can create beautiful gowns and dresses but can’t find the perfect equation to launch and sustain a good and profitable bag line. Cases in point:

*Gag* Bugly bag alert # 1

*Gag* Bugly bag alert # 2!

And why they’re priced SO high, is really beyond me. Perhaps to make up for the lack of sales? So all it takes is one person to buy one bag and it funds the rest of the bag collection? There’s a business term for that, right? Hehehehe… aww, I don’t know! *I’m not a biz-ad grad hehehe*
Just my two cents 😉 

P.S. Peeps, I’m sure by now you’ve all heard about the earthquake in Haiti. It was really devastating to see what Haiti looks like after the earthquake. Haiti needs your help (just like we once needed the world’s help post- Ondoy and Pepeng), and it would be great if we all could extend a little help by pledging to UNICEF or to the ICRC (International commitee of the Red Cross).  Your help will be deeply appreciated by the victims of this calamity:(  Please spread the word out to everyone you know. God bless!!

Mrs. T

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  1. …I’m not so sure if my comment went throught earlier coz my internet connection has been acting up…so here I go again…

    Yuh, those bags are ugly. Just out fo curiosity, what’s their price range? I’m not in the market to buy a bag right now. But even if I were, I’m not getting Versace. Not my type. It looks cheap to me.

    BTW, I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now and have been leaving comments anonymously. Hehe! I created this livejournal account so I could make comments on the other bloggers that I follow. I enjoy reading you page. It’s so entertaining and I think you’re funny. :))

    Have a nice week!


  2. @ The Style Hive : yeah, doesn’t that make you wonder why they can’t get their bags right if they can get all else to work out well for them? Well, ok the company isn’t exactly doing great, but still, the gowns aren’t as bad as the bags, right?

    @ Nanayniisay: Hi Mina 🙂 Yes I’ve been seeing your comments 😀 Versace’s bags are in the high $1k to low $2k. Can you imagine paying for something that looks so cheap? Even if I am a billionaire, I still wouldn’t pay that price– even if versace decides to use diamonds for hardware studs LoL. Sorry Donatella, but someone’s gotta really tell you it’s baaaaaad 😀

  3. Oh wow, those aren’t so pretty. I never paid attention to Versace bags before, and now I guess I understand why, lol.

  4. @Francy: Aren’t they baaad? LOL I mean those are things you can find in touristy places. You know, in those little gift shops 😉

    @MrsMartinez: Looks like a pair of 80s loafers 😀 LOL

    @PBB: Now we know why Versace the company is in trouble, right? bags- core of a luxe company (more often than not– then there are the perfumes and smaller accessories also)

    @Appledumplings: LOL If someone were to give you a Versace bag, what would you do? LoL