Travelog: Moscow’s Gem of a Restaurant, Tvrandot

I didn’t exactly have the most amazing meal in Moscow, but if you’re talking most amazing venue, then Moscow’s Tvrandot is where the most amazing venue for a meal is at. Pronounced Turandot, this most beautiful restaurant is located just beside Cafe Pushkin, as it is also owned by the same famed restaurateur, Andrey Dellos. When I was doing research on restaurants in Moscow, the top 2 were Cafe Pushkin and Tvrandot. We went to both– and credits go to: Claudette, the very talented woman behind CV Travel  *(+63917) 5368545*  (I just have to plug her because I swear, she is a Godsend. My DBs and family are all very satisfied– and I’ve said this over and over again that it’ had been extremely difficult to find a very good travel agent who would take care of all our travel needs– from excellent hotels with good rates, to restaurant recommendations). And then of course to KeriZ for bringing up Tvrandot,  and to Bryanboy who insisted nonstop that we make time for Tvrandot. Because of Bryanboy’s insistence *hehehe* we really went for it.

Bryan told me that it was reported the renovation of this restaurant was in excess of US$50 million. When he first told me that, I balked. I couldn’t fathom such an amount spent on restaurant interiors. This was Tvrandot’s exteriors.

Tvrandot has a similar sign like that of Cafe Pushkin outside which identifies the restaurant.

I was thinking, “the restaurant can’t possibly be the size of a palace…”
We went inside and ooh it looked like a museum…

There was a Buccellati store inside. Nice!

It was impressive, but well it wasn’t exactly the size of a palace (though it sure was stately too), but wow, once we entered the restaurant itself,  it sure did look like a palace!

I can now understand what Bryan meant about Dellos spending over US$50M decorating this place. It was opulent, opulent, opulent!!!!

This place was such a visual feast! Enjoy the photos!!

Our table

More photos… I could not stop taking photos!!!

 From the second floor

A Private Room (The China Room)

 I will post food photos of Tvrandot tomorrow. Too much visuals for a day *hahaha* If you want to check out what opulence means today, go to Moscow and go to Tvrandot. THAT is opulence!


Mrs. T

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  1. domesticatedlawyer

    hi baghag, the sign outside of turandot is actually for CAFE PUSHKIN. i read cyrillic so i noticed. just fyi.

  2. domesticatedlawyer

    you’re welcome. and i just wanted to say i really enjoyed your moscow/spb/london travel posts. cheers and wishing you more interesting travels.

  3. domesticated lawyer

    worked somewhere in the former soviet union for 2 years so learned to read and speak a bit of russian.:)also been to moscow and its outskirts, but mostly for work. my big travel dream is to go back to russia for white nights and a real vacation one day soon. 🙂 btw, just read your old travel posts and discovered that you were also in london late last year. i was also there about the same time and like you, i took photos of the Harrod’s Oz window display and liked their various PVC bags!:)i will be following your travelogues closely from now on… 🙂

  4. @Gracie: Yes! I remember standing outside the Hotel Hermitage. I never saw the inside though. Turandot is a restaurant 🙂

    @Rose_Chris: No this isn’t the most expensive one. But it’s the most expensively renovated one I’ve ever been in!

    @domesticated lawyer: thanks 😀