Traveller’s Tales…

Remember Nury Vittachi of the now defunct FEER (Far Eastern Economic Review)?

Anyway, I thought of him when I was reviewing some of my old travel photos. I would’ve sent this photo to him.

This was taken in Turkey.

I wonder how you can really save water by flushing twice? *Baffled look* Can anyone enlighten me please? 🙂

Happy Sunday!


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  1. we have two kinds of flushing systems here in europe. the regular ones(where you flush once and about 6-9 liter water comes out) and the environment friendly ones , they have a special mechanism which closes the pipe where the water comes out, after you press the flush button twice.

  2. Interesting, but there’s no separate button though… so I’m assuming flushing it a second time will only do exactly the same thing as it did the first?

    I’m still quite baffled. I’ve seen other flushing systems in EU and there are actually 2 buttons… this only has one though… hmmm