Time to be Dazzled!

I decided I wasn’t going to miss the private viewing of Janina Dizon’s Jewels at Janina for Jul Dizon (Manila Peninsula Hotel Mezzanine) no matter what. And since your baghag can be pretty pathetic (no EQ and all), I went to Janina at 10:30AM– sharp! Soooo I was the early birdie 😀 *And no, thank Gawd I didn’t have to beg to be allowed entry… hahaha shame*

Soooo, without further ado, Janina’s new collection
Door Knocker Earrings 🙂

There are pieces under 50k– seriously!!! Check out these earrings… Php 38,000 (the price for an LV Speedy 35 hehe) *Gawd am I an enabler or what? Haha)

More rings under 40k(The rose quartz ring at the bottom of the photo costs Php 21,000)

Green amethyst earrings for under Php 20,000 *It doesn’t get any better than this price! I hope I read that tag right! Or MsJ. will collect the balance from me hahaha oh dear!*
Stunning floral rings set with pavé colored stones cost under Php 75k
And then there are the reeeeal good stuff… The 6- figure babies like these Milky diamond rings Ok, seriously, these two rings are GORGEOUS in person. Even if the diamonds are milky (meaning they’re not transparent and flawless), they’re still very pricey. And bling-ey! 🙂

And then this wonderful birdcage pendant– Loving it– even the cage door opens 🙂 Sorry, but Little Birdie won’t fly away *snicker and weevil wink*.

Ruby and diamond necklace… Ok I left my tongue at the door *drool*

Very “Indian” Moghul style earrings with emeralds. I think only RuffaG could carry this 🙂

More Indian style jewellery.Beautiful pieces include something from Gem Palace (peridot ring).

Other collections includeYum, those chain bracelets are so DVF (without le tagprice of course)

Beautiful enamel drop earringsLike em? 🙂

Turquoise and coral collectionThat square rattle ring to the left of the coral “ball” earrings is sooo cute– it’s what it is– a rattle ring!

Sigh, Mrs.T was not the early bird for nothing. You know what they say, the early bird catches its worm 🙂Here’s moi with something. “I spy…. ? ” 🙂 Again, so you see, this is why this baghag is ALWAYS broke. In fairness, I got me a very beautiful piece… that’s the trouble with me, now I have to get creative on finding a way to fund my upcoming Aquarelle Speedy… hahaha. (More writing jobs please!!!)

P.S. And oh oh, I’m wearing the 8 and a HALF blue Aria dress in my umm… self portrait 😀 *let me be proud, I have shaky hands in taking my own photo, but at least it made me look thin hahaha* (Aria cocktail- length dresses by the way, are now available at Tresorie 🙂 Only Php 2,580!! Sorry about the plug, you can pelt me with rotten tomatoes now :D)

P.P.S. JANINA for Jul Dizon is located at the Mezzanine of the Peninsula Manila Hotel. Tel. # (+632) 845.0140 and (+632) 845.0139. Go see her stuff for yourself! You won’t be sorry 🙂 Baghag everyday, but jewelryhag once in a while is cool too– heeey, we are all lovers of Luxe, right? *Difference is, I obviously can’t fund my so-called luxe lifestyle… and yes to MPR, find out what country that is where the king pays for the debt of his people, I am sooo there! hahaha*


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