Someone famous…

is related to one of our college professors! Ok, so technically I’m not even in any way related to the professor (I’m not her student) because I didn’t major in Business or Finance. Both my DBs had her as a professor though.

But well, you know how I love to brag about the “achievements” of people I don’t know, so here goes 🙂 *Anyway, I leafed through the regular newsletter/ magazine that my alma mater sent me. I was eating my meal for the day when I was reading the magazine– yes, SALAD with sesame dressing, and a full bowl of tomato basil soup (arrrghhh gout!!! Err wait, I’m not even sure if what I had on my foot/ heel was gout!)*

And then I saw this article. Made me stop and read. This is one of my alma mater’s professors. Her name is Diana Wu. I have also taken a closer shot of the text which accompanied her photo.

“Her son, Dan, has starred in films opposite Jackie Chan…” So who’s this Dan dude, I thought to myself. He’s known by over a billion people? Daaaaaaang!!! He must be someone big in China!

And then I made the connection. Dan is Daniel Wu!!!! He’s an action star, and is also a model. He’s sooo famous in Hong Kong (and I’m sure in Taiwan and China as well).
Ohhhhh-kayyyyy… Can I be a total ditz and just say, “Oh Em Gee, he is hooooot!” Professor Wu must be so darned proud of him. Tsk, wish he’d pop by our town (since his folks live in our area) so I can see him up close! *And he’d be totally unrecognizable here in our town, be like the average Asian American dude… except, I know who he is hahahahaha… then I can ask to have my photo with him hahahaha…. tsk, noble thought. NOT!*

😉 *shucks I sounded like a cougar there for a moment hahahaha* Aiyaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

P.S. Yayyyy I’m finally back in Manila,  but I’m so tired from the trip because I wasn’t able to get the sleep I was hoping to get. I swear, I became SOOO religious while on the plane– because of turbulence!!! 😀 hehehe… 


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  1. hey mrs t! quick question? my sister and i plan on visiting paris next year or so. what airline do you fly? do you go through a travel agency?

    HELP! please. …

  2. Hey Mrs T,

    Don’t feel bad about the cougar moment. I feel the very same with Taylor Lautner. As much as I hate pop culture, I drool at that…boy? Can we call him a man, yet?

  3. OMG, I’m actually one of those people who know and adore Daniel Wu. I want to have his babies, hahaha.

  4. @RG: lol abt being religious on plane. It’s true though, isn’t it? It gets really scary!!

    @maryd: yeah! He is a boy but a very hot boy. Hahaha come to mama (eeeewwww) hahahaha

    @tiffy: tell me about it! I wanna have his babies too hahahahaha.

  5. thanks for the help. i carry a US passport … im just looking for a very cheap flight since most flights going out of PI are cheaper but thanks for the info.

  6. enjoy your blog. nice way to catch up with a former life in manila (and your travels abroad as well). thanks for sharing — you’re fun, funny, witty, — and all unashamedly so.