Not exactly a Bag you can carry, but still worth a mention!

So my friends FV and RC treated our group of friends to a nice lunch in Tagaytay last weekend. We had a great meal at Sonia’s Garden before heading over to Bag of Beans. Now, this ain’t a bag but it’s still worth a mention. Because as you know, I’m a sucker for good food. And I loved the place. It’s like being in your own backyard, only you don’t have to breathe polluted air or be attacked by mosquitoes and face the fear of getting dengue. 🙂 *just goes to show how dirty Manila is… sad isn’t it? I love Manila but something needs to be done about the air quality!!*
Indoor sitting area:
Do note that as I blog about Bag of Beans, I’m on a full stomach 😀 *burp*. Oh, oh, guess what? I went back to Bikram Yoga last night *I know, standing ovation please!!*. This, after my one year yoga hiatus. I didn’t think I was going to survive starting over again in an extremely hot environment, but this baghag made it– panting, sweating, and palpitating. But I made it 🙂 *screams* And oh yeah, my body aches BIG time today. *Masssaaaaaaage please!!!*

As if my body went on rebellion overdrive post- calorie-burning workout last night, I binged on instant noodles. *BAD!!!!* But today, I decided to go healthy and went to my “drug” den (Snicker… ok don’t think I do drugs, ‘coz I ain’t that big a loser to do drugs! Drugs are baaaaaaaad!!!!)– My drug of choice: Shabu Shabu. I have a regular set of friends I go to Healthy Shabu Shabu with, and we ended up calling that restaurant our “drug” den (Shabu for short– “Shabu shabu” is just too long a word to say sometimes hahaha).

Ok wait, I strayed again from the topic. My bad! Anyyyway, going back to Bag of Beans, if you happen to be in Tagaytay, I think you should pop by this place. The coffee was good. I actually had White Mocha (because I’m very unadventurous when it comes to coffee and the like– heck I only go to Starbucks, Manila Diamond Hotel, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, and Seattles Best *of late because they now have a nice branch in Rockwell– on my flooor!!!*).

Bag of Beans is also famous for their pies, apparently.
So despite having had lunch just an hour ago, we ordered pies.Steak and mushroom pie on the left, Shepherd’s pie on the right. *Snicker* The Shepherd’s pie looked like the shepherd sat on it. But oye, it’s yummy!!! I don’t care about the presentation (although it was quite funny looking), as long as it’s good.

Apple pie with ice cream
And Oh mY Sooo sinful Blueberry cheesecake. Now this, was really good. Look at the syrupy blueberry toppings…

Crap. I think I need to go on a blog break. All these dessert photos are making me crave for something sweet. I think I’ll just head over to Seattle’s Best Coffee now for a quick shot of sugar and caffeine.

P.S. To FV and RC, Thank you for the out-of-town treat!!

Later peeps!


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  1. Hi Mrs. T. Long-time reader here, but I just had to comment on something “unbag-related”. LOL. I am now seriously craving for pies because of this post. I love your food posts as much as your bag posts because you make every dish seem soooo mouth-watering. You are a true gourmand. =)
