No More Cold Summer Nights

I was checking my Facebook account when someone commented that master rapper Francis Magalona had succumbed to Leukemia. I grew up with one of his songs, Cold Summer Nights. I still remember loving that song so much and listening to it nonstop that I had to buy a second tape (ahh the walkman casette days).

And now Francis M. has passed away. My prayers are with his wife and their children. Please do pray for his soul and for his family. May God be with them at this trying time…

I’m not updated with local (or foreign for that matter) showbiz news, so thank goodness for Facebook and also, thanks to Chuvaness for her site update.

This makes you reassess everything. You realize that the very material things that we consider so important in our corporeal lives suddenly seem so insignificant…

Rest in Peace, Francis M.

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