New Year Blues

It sucks to realize that
1. you ate too much during the holidays and have cumulatively gained 10 lbs in less than 3 weeks.
2. you spent more than what you earned in a whole year.

Well it’s those 2 for me. So this year, I was thinking of going on a bag purchase drought. See how long it will take me to break down and swipe the card *hahaha*.

Anyway I have to get offline now, I am going downtown today to check out the usual stores. Who knows, maybe find something on sale that’s real cheap and too good not to buy ? *hint: maybe DH can buy me a bag? Wishful thinking hahaha*

Re: Chloe purchase– no it’s not a blue Betty although I was tempted. Unfortunately I already have a baby Betty! 😀

Re: Loot– hoooo boy, this ain’t gonna be purdyyyy…. hehe… Later hags, and more photos!!


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