My Wish List for my +1 year day

Daaang, in a few more days, you’re looking at an OLD (wrinkly, flabby, and broke) baghag. *Guffaw*. Old meaning one year older. That said, this baghag blog also turns another year older in a few days!! *WooHoo*. I’m still thinking of how to celebrate my birthday, but one idea keeps popping up.

Remember how I mentioned some time ago that my two friends and I had participated in a village – wide garage sale? We had been thinking of either going to an orphanage to donate the proceeds, or to just buy milk and other medical supplies and give them to the children’s ward at PGH. So it’s one or the other for sure. The question is, if it will be an orphanage, can anyone suggest orphanages that need more financial support? There’s Cribs, but are there others that may be in need as well? I’d love to hear suggestions from you all, and even better if you would like to participate. We just have to organize a date and time to go. I’m hoping we get to do it within the month of June. Please let me know if you hags have ideas.

Here are a few answers to your questions/ comments in the last post:

1. MPR: I was carrying a pretty happy chalk- colored bag when I went to school. But I swear, all the moms there had kick-bootie bags! And a lot of them were dressed to the nines!

2. I figured I should just carry some non-descript bag to school to be on the subdued side (haha.. what an understatement. Me? Subdued? *Pukes*). I just honestly think my kid’s school isn’t a place to parade a bag collection (especially one as unmemorable as mine) *hahaha… tsk don’t I act “holier than thou” or what? Hahaha. Self- righteous bastaaahd*

3. Anonymous: I feel for you re: fashion show at school PTCs (so that’s what it’s called haha. Sorry I didn’t post your comment because you mentioned a school name 😀 Can’t post that here *grins*). But you’re absolutely right. I had to honestly admit that I felt sooo insecure! Because I knew I looked like a handmaiden next to those fashionable moms! 😀 But it’s ok. My goal is really to get my kids into school without them crying their eyes out, and picking them up during dismissal and giving them a nice big hug 🙂 That’s parental satisfaction of the purest kind. And no amount of money or nice bags for that matter, can give that kinda satisfaction! 🙂 For real!

And lastly, I was asked what I’d like for my birthday (ok ok, I am volunteering info about what I want for my birthday hahaha). Apart from that orphanage/ PGH event that I’ve yet to organize and participate in with my friends which I’d really like to do, this is what I like on the *ahem* material side– but note that I won’t be buying these because although my efforts to curb my expenses had been futile in the past, I really plan to stick to this purchase ban this time around (part of my birthday wish haha).*Mantra: I can live without a new bag or a new anything… I can do this… I can do this… Gawd, help me! I can do this… I hope I can do this… :)*

But the freeloading baghag wannabe in me is still hoping some kind benefactor will buy the ffg. and send themn over to me. I’d be so deliriously happy to receive these gifts for my big +1. So without further ado, my shameless gift registry for my birthday. (*Sheepish grin* A girl can dream at least once a year, right? hahaha)

Louis Vuitton Epi Alma in GrenadeFinally, the very shade of purple I’ve been lusting to have… *Huge sigh* I love this Barney purple dinosaur bag!! I just adore this color so much. I was lucky enough to have “test-driven” this bag at the LV boutique in Greenbelt a few days ago. But the price is just too steep for me right now. Money to pay for this bag has to go to payment for kids’ school and extra curricular activities. Priced at US$1,240 at or Php 65k at LV boutique, Greenbelt 4.

Earth TV’s
Earth groove CD. I have been wanting this. Confession: I loooooove Earth TV. Looove it. I can watch that forever. Too bad it only runs for a few minutes on ANC after the news. I love the music that accompanies the video of Earth TV, so this is a CD I’d really love to own.

A Yoga mat– as of this post, I got a beautiful yoga mat as a pressie from D! . 🙂 And it’s in purple too!! I am sooo loving it. A yoga mat was actually the only thing I refused to buy for my yoga class because I figured I could always borrow the mats in class 😀 *cough cheapskate* But now that I have one, yay! I can go back and do yoga once again (after a 3- week absence!) Thank you so much D! (also thanks for the funny purple tee that said Miss Smarty Pants– that’s Sooooo ME!!!)

A chunky but dressy bracelet that I can wear casually or for more formal events . I have been searching for the perfect “chunky” bracelet and I FINALLY found one– at D! Luxe. I know, I told you before that even though I stay in the store to work, I still end up buying something. This time, it’s this smoky quartz bracelet set in 925 silver with gold plating that I’m loving, loving! It’s in 925 silver so it can be polished when it tarnishes. But the coolest thing is, it’s plated in yellow gold so it looks sooo classy and “polished”! It’s priced at Php 18,500… *SOB*. I was thinking of paying D! installment for this piece.. hehe… but I know, she’d smack me in the head if I do that. I was actually also thinking that should I tire of this bracelet one day, I can have the stones reset into something else, so at 18.5k, it’s already a good deal. It is made of natural smoky quartz, so it’s a natural stone, not some synthetic piece of what-have-you.

To fit into a beautiful dress like this Roland Mouret Moon Dress (ala Lady Becks and Dita Von Teese) . Gawd, especially now that it’s on sale at, priced at US$1,612.50 (ok, fitting into one is one wish, affording to buy the actual dress is another wish) 😀

Wow *looks back up*– a perfect dress, a yoga mat to use for yoga class as an “end” to get into that dress, a great eye- popping color of a bag, beautiful music for the store, a nice bracelet… all I need now are a good pair of shoes 🙂 *hahaha* And that would be the perfect alternative to my birthday suit *muwahahaha eeew*. But hah, I’m not lusting for shoes right now. Not any kind at all *and thank Gawd for that :D* Maybe I should start considering… haha. Not. 🙂

Have a good night peeps!


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  1. mrs. T,

    i need your opinion on cartier watches. my dad is getting me one and i don’t know which to choose. i like the pasha, roadster and santos. i don’t know which to choose all steel or two-tone? i like the large size because the small and junior size are too cute for me. i want to have something that’s timeless and i can wear all the time. please help!

    thank you.


  2. Hi Mrs T.
    On your birthday, I wish to be a lady security guard armed with seeing eye stick (you know the wooden one they stick inside your bag, and it lights up kuno, if it senses a bomb)
    And as that Lady Guard/fairy godsister, I will allow you to cart off the bags of your choice: Hermes, LV, Channel, Bottega. And to avoid jail time, we will hide inside the LV maleta with the hole so we can navigate our way thru the mall and breathe.


  3. I think you should try giving charity to the Philippine Children’s Medical Center Cancer Ward or to World Vision.

    Happy Birthday Mrs. Jackie T! Wishing you more bags and happiness of course!

    – dadang

  4. themused: check out 🙂

    dadang: Thanks so much! I’ve never even heard of the cancer ward but I will definitely be looking into that!! Thanks so much!

    vicky: go with the pasha. I love the pasha, although lately I am liking also the roadster. But if you are to get a roadster, go with an all yellow gold one, So nice. Pasha is beautiful and timeless in all steel, not 2 tone.

    PVIfoundation-= does that help children? I was looking through the site too, and will ask around about it some more.

    daphne: thanks thanks girl!

  5. Hey Mizzuz! Happy boitday! Great idea on the charity bit. I’ve always wanted to do something with Kythe. They’re somewhere in the vicinity of Tomas Morato. Check them out at Mainly for kids with cancer. Let me know if you go through with it–I might just jump in with your bandwagon (or Starex-wagon, if you get your wish). Let’s have your hubby drive us around!