My Internet Problem = No Blog Update!

I managed to sneak in a few minutes to blog before my internet connection died on me again (on and off death).

I promise to blog from work tomorrow since the connection there seems more reliable. I was originally going to blog about something VERY interesting now, but I CANNOT upload photos!!!

If there’s ANYONE from GLOBE TELECOM (INNOVE), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX YOUR NETWORK PROBLEMS because I cannot blog nor can I update ANYTHING, what with the connection dying on me EVERY OTHER FRIGGIN SECOND!!! I wish I was back on Dial-up because Compass Internet’s connection NEVER died on me. *Grumbles*

Peeps, I promise to answer your questions soon. I am also going to be posting some pretty horrid vandalized bag photos tomorrow. It’s a post you do NOT want to miss. And the story behind it is just gruesome. 🙁


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  1. i agree!globe’s service actually sucks!
    the internet connection is bad plus its on/off pa!
    worst?our landline has not been functioning for months now..weve been calling the hotline to report it for like gazillion times..we went to their globe office also..but they keep on saying they will report it and send someone to fix it..but its been months now and they havent done anything yet!

    re: pepper lunch
    im going to manila this month for my student visa interview!i hpe il get a visa..but really, im looking forward to eating pepperlunch than getting a visa!woohoo!!!! 🙂