Mrs.T’s first day in foreign land

Ok peeps, I am at an Apple Store using free internet because 

1. I didn’t bring my laptop
2. I’m too cheap to pay for internet at the hotel. *muwahahaha cheapskate* But oye, if you knew how much they charge per hour for internet at the hotel, you’d wince like I did!

So anyway, there’s no way I can upload photos for now. This much I can tell you– it’s sunny and warm where we’re at now 🙂 AND it’s SALE season!!!! Good thing I broke my piggy bank and took out all my coins to bring with me this trip 😉
Know where we are at yet? 
And yay, Our wedding anniversary is coming up! DH and I been married for SEVEN years!! :)I can’t believe his patience hahaha. I mean, crap, I’m such a biatch and he lived with me for this long! Hahaha… I must say the guy’s level of patience when it comes to me is unsurpassed *muwahahahaha* Thank you for the great 7 years, DH! It was a roller coaster ride, but it has been so much fun! 😉
Hehehe so guess where we plan to go on that special day?
To a WET MARKET 🙂  I hope there’s some fun story to tell again. (Actually, there already IS a funny story to tell just as we arrived… but I’ll reserve that for now and wait til I get photos :D)
Hope you are all doing well 🙂

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  1. Happy anniversary, Mrs T and DH! Where are you? The only place where I find wet markets that are ok-ish is Tokyo. Or, maybe somewhere in the US? Where are you? Reveal!

  2. I actually saw you and your husband at the the wake of PO Domingo at Mt Carmel Church. Actually, I first saw your fairy bag before I saw who’s carrying it. I told myself “OH no its Mrs. T” but I was too shy to say hi. : ) Your husband looks patient and kind.

    Have a wonderful anniversary together and may your relationship be always be full of love, excitement and happiness.

    – dadang