More Christmas Windows in Paris!

I was sad to leave Paris– only because Paris is -2 degC when I left.  *Click on photos individually for larger images*

Very light snow

And I looooove the cold weather *those texting gloves by DKNY will really be so helpful when I head Stateside this Christmas*.
Before I left town, I had to take some more photos of  the Printemps shop windows. This time though, I took them with my iPhone because I just couldn’t be bothered to lug around my Nikon anymore *it sure felt like I was hauling some huge carcass across the city when I was carrying that DSLR around hahaha*.

those little guys were walking around 🙂 *Lanvin by the way*

I looove this window!

The only store I can think of in Manila that can pull off beautiful show windows (kudos to Ricky Toledo and Chito Vijandre for that)  is AC +632 in Greenbelt 5. I actually can’t wait to visit that shop again if only to remind me of being in Paris! 🙂
Mrs. T

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