Meet my NEW guy *snicker*

It saddens me to announce publicly that I have a new guy in my life. *Muwahahaha “scandale” as what a friend would say*. Well anyway, this “guy” has sorta been on my skin (literally) for almost 2 months now. Now you are about to know why I refuse to show my face here on the blog. And trust me, you will really be grateful I don’t!

Hags, meet my new guy, Fabio. *Muwahahaha do you like my new guy or what?! This is a photo of my Nose by the way haha* You’re already probably trying to figure out why on earth I’d even name my pimple when I actually grow an acne farm on my face. I mean, why single this dude out, right? It all started out as a little joke with some friends of mine, that I should just name my zit because it has sorta been a mainstay on my nose (of all the friggin’ areas to grow, why grow on the nose– ahh… prime location… if Makati is to peeps, then nose is to zits! haha). It’s already almost two months since this little guy popped up on my prime spot. (note to BB:I have an onion bulb for a nose, so you’re not really alone haha, but ey, I’ve got Fabio!) So over one afternoon while chatting with pretty (and very fit) AnnaS about her flawless skin, she figured, why not name the zit “Fabio”? So AnnaS, you are officially Fabio’s Godmum 🙂 *eeew hahaha the Godson you wish you didn’t know haha*

Brilliant, I thought to myself. Now my friggin’ zit has a name, not realizing that Fabio would actually end up to be such a “fabulous” name for something so gross (Fabulous Fabio!). Close to me calling it an exterior boogeyman (um… booger) out of sheer disgust and abhorrence for the stubborness and semi permanence of this “thing”, naming it would actually make it funny (at least funny to me), and leave me less stressed about it. Instead of just hoping people don’t stare at the pulsating pus of a thing on my nose, I introduce my zit to them. It’s perrrfect! *muwahahaha reallly grooosss*

So call me disgusting/silly/gross for actually baptizing my zit with a hunky name, but hey don’t we all love a little sick humor once in a while? Come on, cut me some slack, I have to laugh about this right? It’s in reality a sad situation because having pimples on the face can really be bad on the self-esteem. I know that to be true– I do get an acne farm on my face especially if I eat chocolates! 🙁 And when I do, it really lowers my self- esteem– I can’t even bring myself to look into other people’s eyes.

Fabio, is usually most active at night or during the wee hours in the morning, when he “fills up” *eeeew*. Fills up with what, I shall leave that to your wandering imagination. Can you figure out how nasty it is to wake up with a pulsating eye on your nose? Fabio never fails to provide me with the shock-stun-awe moments *Snicker, even bags don’t do that to me daily hahaha*.

I am rendered helpless with Fabio. I am such a control freak but Fabio won’t let me control him– he is always on top of me! No amount of pricks from my dermatologist has deterred him from fulfilling the very reason for his visible existence– to be a citizen of my nose! *Scream!!!* Fabio is on a “green card holder” status right now– NOT a citizen (I protest!!!) *muwahahaha*. And until that day when my dermatologist can professionally evict him, he remains a friggin’ legal resident of my nose.

So now peeps, you KNOW why I REFUSE to have my face plastered on my blog. Believe me, if I only had flawless, alabaster- like skin like Marcia Cross of Desperate Housewives, my face would be on every single post of my blog. So now you better be grateful I put a pleasant looking heart on my face each time I post my photos *muwahaha*. And now that the zit has a name, Fabio and I can co-exist somewhat peacefully (even if I continuously grumble about him) . No more worries that Fabio will lower my self- confidence. I’ll just pretend that he is really part of my life that I have to introduce to everyone who sees him *haha*. So even though I don’t have flawless skin, I am a happy camper, and so is Fabio (’til the day he gets obliterated from my prime spot haha). I remain undeterred. Step aside DH because for now, Fabio seems to be ruling my world 😀

Have a happy, Fabio- free weekend peeps! And puhhlease, don’t stare at Fabio when you see me. He gets a little shy sometimes… hahaha… (his shyness doesn’t make it good because he might just “explode” if he has his “fill” of people hahahah eeeew)

P.S. This is sickening. I just realized I had a food post before this one. Killer eh? *soooweeee!!! I had to make the formal introductions sometime and I guess today was a good day hahaha*

P.P.S. Happy birthday PaulineT!

Jackie T.

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  1. You have your own personal resident evil. Will pray he gets evicted soon. Let us know when he’s gone.

  2. Perhaps you could give your beloved a more Zen-like presence… He could actually be the “window to your innermost soul”!!! Teehee!!! For all you know, you might just be lust on the rebound for fabio, so he can just decide to dump you when he’s had enough!!! Mwahahaha!!! Enough said… ninang…. 🙂

  3. Girl! Ok lang yun a little imperfection! Marcia Cross looks like the wife of Chucky naman – look at the shiny rounded forehead! Parang plastic yun face sa sobrang taut!

  4. You are hilarious! hahaha! Like you, i suffer from adult acne too. When the Americans comment that i look young, i am flattered. But now maybe they thought i was young because i still have pimples! hahaha! Well, hope Fabio will say buh-bye and never come back =)


  5. wow, Fabio’s really dedicated, eh? 2 months already… i think you have to introduce him to his future mother in law – the dermatologist!

  6. hi, jackie! i had exactly the same predicament back in high school, though it was positioned on the right side as opposed to yours, which is on the left. mine lasted i think for 3 months or so… even my friends were teasing me that it’s the 2nd or 3rd monthsary already. anyhoo… my neighbor of mine at the time who is a pediatrician consulted one of her colleagues and gave me a small bottle of liquid clindamycin (not sure of the spelling). i poured it on the zit and boy, did it sting a lot!!! but at least i know it was killing the bacteria. the very next day, the top layer dried up and i peeled it, making the zit a lot smaller. i religiously “poured” (meaning, i just didn’t apply this with a cotton ball; i literally poured it on to the zit) this solution 2x a day until my zit eventually disappeared. just wanted to share; maybe this could help you. good luck! 😉