Hunger Pangs (food and bag hungry!!)

Ugh. I know this is terribly unhealthy to be dreaming about food, but really, I am craving for the ultimately sinful barbeque’d roast duck of Spring Moon (at Rockwell Powerplant Mall). I have always loved roast duck (my dish of choice in Hong Kong), and I actually had a hard time looking for roast duck which tastes like the HK roast duck a la Cafe de Coral/Maxims. And then of course, I tried Spring Moon’s version. Oh. My. Gawd. Sinful. The duck was fatty (I looove it) and yes, I know bad for my health, but why deny myself food that tastes good (so good that you get closer to heaven faster too haha… instant heart attack haha). I think that will be on my food menu tomorrow 😉

Anyway, we celebrated my DK’s birthday yesterday, so I porked out at our friendly neighborhood Burgoo. I only eat three dishes there: mozzarella sticks, shrimp arrabiata, and angel hair classico. Yesterday I ordered all three dishes. So don’t ask me why I still harp about food today when last night was already gastronomically fulfilling for me (I ate food that would’ve made 3 people full). Bah, enough food talk. I’ve already wolfed down more than 6 pcs of chocolate chip cookies (compliments of VL and JL). I’m going to channel my hunger elsewhere. Bag surfshopping once again!!

I came across this Vera Wang raffia drawstring bag. I was like, Vera Wang put her name on THIS bag? And it costs US$311.99?? That’s like Php14,500 (local currency). GEEZ. For that price, you can go to Baguio (summer capital of the Philippines) and buy more than 2 dozens of hand crocheted bags by the indigenous folks who live in that city. Not only that, you also end up supporting their cottage industry (unless it ain’t a cottage industry anymore *sorry this baghag is rather ignorant*). This bag on is real horrid. It only confirms this postulate: Not all designer merchandise are nice/beautiful.

This brings to mind another designer brand that begins with a letter V. Valentino. I was able to test drive some of Valentino’s bags back in HK and I “singled out” two bags (hehe single out two bags… is that grammatically incorrect??) as the most striking of the lot. I am really not into red bags (although I wouldn’t mind a little red here and there but not all red), but this red bagmade me think twice. It has nice snakeskin handles too. Sorry I wasn’t able to check price.

Another bag in black (a color I won’t normally use, but would make an exception for) which truly caught my eye was the “origami” pleated bag. I am really liking the origami-esque look of the bag. Hehehe the future is origami. Ruffles were all the rage before, but origami pleating is so “now”. Very nice bag. I recommend it!

*Scream* this is so unfair. Now I’m all bag hungry just thinking about the Valentino bags. Sometimes I really wish that I had a nice and hefty bag fund to get all the nice bags that catch my eye. Bah, gotta live in this real world. I ain’t a shopgirl for nothing 🙂 While some progress in their career from being shopgirls to becoming successful women in their chosen field, I regress. I was a *cough trying hard wannabe* tai tai before, and now I’m a shopgirl *muwahaha*. But oye, I’m a proud shopgirl!! I am not embarrassed about my newly chosen career 😉 I just wished dearly that I don’t get minimum wage pay hahaha…wait, heyyy I don’t even get a salary!! *big bawl!!*

Anyway, now if you have a nice bag budget unlike me (especially unlike me… oh Gawd purse ban), but don’t wanna end up owning a bag that everyone already has, this is a nice bag to have. Corto Moltedo has this Galaxy biscuit colored leather satchel that’s actually quite nice (this is a nice departure from the previous Corto Moltedo bags which were…ugh, I need not describe). It’s priced at £498.76 (already on sale). Looks very chic with shorts and a cropped jacket. Just steer clear of denims when you carry this bag. (History has proven that denims bleed onto light colored leather bags– no exceptions *haha I had to use the word “history… i.e. time immemorial” to drive the point*) The Galaxy bag is available at

Whoa, it took me 3 hours to blog today! Tomorrow I guess I have to give myself a “day off”from being shopgirl. I’m already forgetting how to be a proper parent, hahaha! *Tsk tsk bad bad mom!! Aww my poor kids!*

Okie for now, time to get going! Ms.CL, thanks so much for all the sweets and goodies– those darned choco peanuts and polvoron will give us shop folks here more fats to pinch!!:) Thank you!! I realized one thing, baghags: we actually honestly never go hungry in the store because we are lucky enough to be given goodies (coz I freeload too much! It’s actually shameful already, but hey as I’ve said, I know how to say thank you haha)! But today really, it’s just me and my snooty tummy once again– I couldn’t stop thinking about that roast duck!! Let me go and stuff myself with the flavored Candyline polvoron now:) And if I’m still not satisfied *but I probably will*, I’m gonna go and get that darned bird tonight just to shut me *err my tummy* up hehe)

P.S. To the comment posters re: the guess the bag, you were all sooo good at the guessing game:) Correct, correct, correct!! It is a My Dior Bag!

P.P.S. Happy Birthday again to my dear kiddo(DK). I know you don’t know how to read this blog yet (My jaw and every limb of my body would drop to the floor *haha* if you can read and understand this blog in its entirety at your age hahaha *crap, that means you’d know what a loony bin of a mother you have*), but I just wanted to document it here that I greeted you and that I am so proud of you 🙂 I’m really honored to be your mumsy 🙂 *teary- eyed* (Psst, titaEAI, and teachPam, thanks for remembering!)

Jackie T.

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