HAPPY 2010!!!

Hi everyone! Sorry for not having posted anything yesterday. Our internet (ok, that was a mistake calling the internet “ours” since it’s the neighbor’s and we’re just leeching hahaha) was down yesterday. I stopped trying after having attempted connection over 10 times.

Anyway, right now (as in this very minute), we just got back from watching fireworks in Twin Peaks 🙂
IT WAS FREEEEEZIIIIIING!!! But worth every single second of shivering 😀

From San Francisco with Loooove, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 🙂

As for my new year’s resolution, I only have one– to be a nicer person! 🙂 Because everything else will follow if a person’s nice, right? (i.e. self- acceptance and contentment, a happier and better life,  new friends, and hopefully better discounts from stores that sell nice bags hahahahaha *ok that’s pushing it* 🙂


P.S. To the Anonymous poster who saw me at Great Mall yesterday, why oh why oh why didn’t you say helllooooooo !!! *SOB* Did you see me trying on hoochie mama shoes by chance with my DSIL? hahahaha 🙂 *spiiilllll*

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  1. ooh i sooo like that dual combination color of chanel. Mrs T, were u able to check in how much it costs???