Guess who’s NOT Julia Child

Late last night (or should I say, early this morning), I got inspired. I wanted to make chicken for the kids. So I decided to prepare rosemary chicken before I went to sleep.

One thing you might want to know about me when it comes to leading the domestic life– I like to cook, and when I cook, I experiment (poor DH and poor DKs muwahahaha). So yes, I channeled the inner Julia Child in me and began stuffing the chicken– at 1:00 am (and NO, this was NOT Chuck nor was it Hercules hehehe… they’ve gone to avian heaven a few months ago… *sob*)

So today, I’ll attempt to share my recipe for rosemary chicken– this is all experimental so don’t  please castigate me if you follow this and it doesn’t taste good *hahahaha* . Inspired by the very rosemary chicken I had for the birthday dinner of my friend JP at her lovely home (which is still the BEST rosemary chicken I’ve ever had– to date! *I should nag my friend to produce that recipe already hehehe*)

For the Stuffing, I:

  • Washed the ffg– 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 5 sprigs of rosemary, 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • De-skinned/ peeled/chopped the ffg– 2 whole bulbs of garlic, 1 large potato,  half a lemon,  1/2 onion, 1/2 cup pitted olives

In a large bowl, mix all the above ingredients together with extra virgin olive oil, pinches of salt and pepper, and a little brown sugar.
 Do a quick herb salt (if you have herb salt) rub with the chicken, then stuff the chicken with the stuffing. Poke chicken with fork all over and brush with the oil from the stuffing mixture. Cover bowl with chicken and stuffings. Set all aside in your fridge overnight.

The next day, set turbo broiler to 180 degrees. Put chicken on metal rack and surround chicken with remaining potato/ garlic/ tomato mixture. In approximately 40 – 50 minutes, the chicken should already be cooked. In that time, make sure to brush the oil mixture onto the chicken to allow the skin to absorb some of the flavor.

And voila, the result 😀

I’m proud of this not because it tastes good *ok it wasn’t bad— hey Love your Own!!! hahaha* (p.s. my kids had no choice but to eat it because that’s all we are having for lunch today hahaha), but because I prepared this all on my own *again* 😀
0 points for plating. Hehehehe…  (by this time, the kids and I were too hungry to worry about how pretty the chicken would look on our plate)


So this is one of the things I want to do for 2010: Do a little more cooking 🙂 Even if I’m obviously not Julia Child. 😀

Have a good day, everyone!

Mrs. T

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  1. The rosemary poulet looks tempting! Whaddya mean Hercules and Chuck are now in Avian heaven?? Does DK’s know what happened to them?? LOL

  2. This post makes me so hungry even if I just ate lunch! 🙂

    Looks good Mrs T! It’s mouthwatering! I must try your recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  3. that looks just perfect mrs t! i can just imagine the aroma of the rosemary and garlic from the turbo. yummmm! i’m kinda lazy myself in the chicken so i just use mccormick’s rosemary seasoning for roasted chicken before putting it in the turbo. haha, short cut 🙂

    oh by the way, isn’t it julia child not childs? 🙂

  4. OMG, this looks so good. Yours and DaphneOP’s “beach” post both have mouthwatering food photos! I will try your Rosemary Chicken—it looks easy enough (or NOT!)—good luck to me! I am soooo hungry now, I am heading out of my office to get my fix! 😀

  5. @PBB: LoL DKs know. village was not happy we had livestock LOL LOL

    @browneyedgirl: LOL I changed it! My friend was like, “Dude you prob’ly never read cookbooks. Julia’s last name is spelled without an S” 😀 Thanks for the correction too!!! How was the mccormick on the chicken tho? My friend whose chicken inspired me, told me to stuff more rosemary next time 😀 I’m finally getting her secret recipe!!

    @appledumplings: hehehe best to search on the web for rosemary chicken recipe 😀 Mine was not so great yet LOL LOL. Again, I’m not going to pretend I want to be Julia Child. I’m soooo not! LOL

  6. Hey, looks good! I want to try making it when I go back to Manila. If helpers do the chopping, does it still count as “I made it myself”? That’s what my mom always says. 🙂

  7. Hi Ingrid!

    I’ve tried calling you a couple of times since the last day of the sale in Powerplant

    – your SA’s rock!!!

    Did they tell you that with their help, I found my first perfect Longchamp bag in the Accessory Lab store and purchased it right there and then? It’s Hermes orange (haha) with the long handle I wanted and is in the perfect size of medium with gold trimmings (as if you don’t know your own wares – lol). I had to stop myself from getting more bling as I have yet to wear one of the earrings I had purchased.

    Anyway, back to the original topic of this post: FOOD.

    First, I think the chicken you made looks good. If you want it to look more “appetizing”/ golden brown, here’s a tip: put small pats or pieces of butter on top for that beautiful golden brown color. It doesn’t hurt that the butter adds extra flavor and goes well with rosemary.

    Next, Anna Gan and I could not stop discussing the grilled shrimp Pringles you so generously had let us have a taste of. We agreed that, with just a bit of spiciness, it would be perfect (not bagoong-like or shrimp head-like at all). In fairness, it really did taste like shrimp!

  8. oh sh*&#@*!!! i made a mistake too!! the sentence above should have read ‘i’m kinda lazy myself in the KITCHEN’ — not chicken! i must’ve been drunk while typing! LOL…

    anyways, about the mccormick, you just rub a packetfull all over the bird and pop it in the turbo, voila! it comes out like the roasted rosemary chicken in amici. BUT, without any sauce it may be a little dry, so i usually have to make a separate sauce with olive oil, potatoes, carrots and garlic (much like yours above) then use it as topping over the chix 🙂

  9. @Daphneosena: yeah one of those odd days I cook 🙂 Yeah let’s go turbo broiler shopping. It’s fun 😀

    @Chula Vista: Let me know how that worked out LOL 😀

    @browneyedgirl: I will go find that mix in the supermarket!! 🙂 If there’s an easy way out, I’m all for it hahahaha

    @AinaL: Hey girl! I never get your calls!!! have you been calling the store phone? I’m so pleased everything worked out well for you! I hope to see you again! And hehehe you should try the seaweed flavor of Pringles. Then tell me which one tastes “fishier” 😀 And heyyy thanks for the golden brown “tip”!! I will do that! Hehehe we were avoiding butter (but Oh Gawd, EVERYTHING tastes better with butter!!!) take care and see you soon!! xx