Food Blog: Street Food in Taipei. Fear Factor!!

I’ve always said I’m adventurous when it comes to food. I think I have my limits too (no insects please), but it pretty much depends on how the food tastes, based perhaps on the words of a by-stander who’s had it.  🙂

In Taipei with Bryan and Tina, we went through a lot of places that served street food. But this particular corner “restaurant”, devoid of any social ambiance whatsoever, 
served one of the “best” street food dishes in Taipei. 
Bryan balked when Tina pointed out which dish this restaurant served best.

Pork intestines Misua (or Mee Sua). Misua is a variety of Chinese noodle made from wheat flour (thanks, Wikipedia). Pork intestines… well, no need for explanation. They’re what they are!
The good “chef” preparing the intestine misua.
I got sooo excited. Because I love trying out new dishes, just as I had earlier iterated. 
And there is this glass vitrine that had all kinds of “Stuff”. Stuff= tofu, innards, tongues, gizzards…. you know 🙂 *ok do not puke* !
Duck tongue on the right side. Don’t even ask me what those balls are coz if they’re what I think they are, I am not yet THAT adventurous after all LOL. Tina what are those?
Tofu and some other “cake”. Blood cakes? I never got around to try that. I would try it though!
So we ordered the Intestines Misua
And a plate of sliced gizzards, kidneys, and boneless chicken feet.

The couple who sat beside us were having this as their side dish

Some pig’s ears in there too, along with some chicken hearts.

Photos of what they served: Century eggs, pig’s ears, tofu, something from the cow (I can only read some Chinese characters, so if you can translate these dishes from left to right, please, let me know what the others are).
Can I tell you that the Intestines Misua, despite its appearance, was REALLLLY good?  It’s really worth coming back for– and mind you, when I go back to Taipei, I’m going back for this!
Meanwhile, Bryan wanted none of it (though I have to give him credit for trying the soup– after Tina and I had wolfed down all the intestines in the noodle soup haha).  🙂 
So hey, if you plan your trip to Taipei, or are just an adventurous foodie and are looking for places to eat, visit Taipei and its Street Food Area. You won’t be sorry 🙂

Thank you Tina ( for taking Bryanboy and I around to eat the food there! 😀 

Mrs. T

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