Drained but happy :)

Hi Peeps! I still can’t stop thanking you all! The response for the auction has been so overwhelming and I am so touched!

I will be revealing the highest bid amount come Friday. That way, people will still have the chance to make their last minute bids 🙂

Price range of bag now: Php 50,000+

Also, I want to say thank you to those who have also made pledges to help. This has truly been an overwhelming experience!!

I am turning in early tonight. Too drained! I lack sleep coz I drank coffee the other day (just stared at the ceiling last night Hahaha) and I guess I can’t hack having caffeine in my system anymore *due to old age Hahahaha*. Promise more stories to come tomorrow! Had a lovely dinner and had some pretty interesting discussion :).

P.s. Thanks to thefashpack.blogspot.com for the shoutout 🙂

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  1. @Missy: Thank you! And thanks for pledging to help!

    Teddy: Thank you, what I am doing isn’t a noble thing yet compared to the other “humanitarians” out there. I guess this is a good way to just give back. We’ve all been so fortunate, right? 🙂

    Diane: Bid again 🙂 🙂