Cookout! Foodfest! Again :)

Last weekend, there was a “serious” cook-out at one of my Euro travelmates’ lovely home. It was actually our official reunion. We had such a blast when we went off to travel that we had to see each other again, and vow to travel together again (peeps, you have to wait for me to earn some moolah again hahaha)

This is Chef Stevie. He’s a trained chef (and he’s reallllly gooooooood), and he hosted the lovely dinner 🙂 We’ve been nagging him to start a small “catering” service for dinners of between 10- 12 people.

Chef seasoned the tuna
While Claudy was going to marinate the steak
My role was to bring Cuerva’s mango torte (suuuuuper goooood)and of course, my other role ( and the most important one) was to eat! 😀 And I assure you, I won’t disappoint 😀

Chef Stevie prepares our first course, French Onion SoupIt was delicious! I wanted another serving but was just really too shy to ask for a second one.

For dinner, there was carbonara pasta (which was my “first” course after the soup)

Prawns with leeks, prepared by Claudy

Buttered vegetables
Seared tuna salad
And then we had a surprise dinner guest– Jean, who was in town for a short vacation 🙂 Check out that shirt given by Chibs! It was the group photo of the girls *We were in Nice* 🙂

And now, for the main course. I told you I won’t disappoint, so here was my plate after I “attacked” the buffet table
And then I had TWO servings of mango torte and Julie’s Apple Pie (which was sooo goooood– and yes, I never got over my apple pie craving!) *THANK YOU Julie for my apple pie!!!*

It was a success.THIS is my plate after the “storm” 😀 I was a happy camper, I had a HUGE belly when I left Chef’s lovely home.

Special thanks to Chef Stevie (for the food and also the lovely souvenirs– I love them!!), Claudy, Julie (for the apple pie), Chibs (for letting me use her camera :D), Dex (for offering to get me from the mall), Carmen, and of course Jean, for making it to our reunion dinner 🙂

*I couldn’t even be bothered to “run” that same night because I felt so heavy and lethargic from all the food I ate!! So, like a true pig, I went right to sleep 😀 hahaha*

P.S. I just had to share this photo with you peeps– this photo was taken by baghag reader AlmaA of her super adorable pugs *awwwww*, and her Gucci “pug” tote 🙂 I love it! Thanks for sharing!!


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  1. The pug on the left is the cutest… =)

    I know! Why don’t we have a play date for our dogs the next time we have our reunion… It’ll be crazy; dogs running around, leashes tangling, water bowls tipping over… =) Drag the chickens along as well! =)

  2. Oh My Lord! Those dogs are the cuuuuuuuuutest! Especially the one on the left! I’m so melting right now. LOL. I wish my dog was as cute! 🙁

  3. oh wow! Jean was our guide during our European tour..I’m glad to see him here!i always wondered whatevr happened to him.. He was so funny.. he’s so Pinoy,(he can talk tagalog right?) very nice man.. =)

  4. I love applie pies, too!! can u recommend where i can get some good slice? also where can i get the cuerva mango torte?
