Bag Hag Starts All Over Again

Ugh. I hate starting a blog all over again. I poured so much of my time and energy (not to mention my webmonkey’s who is no longer helping out *bawl*) to fix up my TRESORMAKATI.BLOGSPOT.COM blog, only to NOT be able to access my own account after what, 7 months of blogging. There is something wrong with Blogger to not want to allow my login to go through. There is a possibility that the account has already reached is allowed “space” since I was posting photos straight into blogger server and not thru photobucket. So I need to wait for them to respond to my query and have them help with troubleshooting. All ye know I suck when it comes to tech related stuff 🙁

Sigh, that is truly a sad, sad thing. Because it also happened on that Last memorable post with all those Hermes boxesful of scarves and Hermes bags that were posted on purple girl’s blog. (That is a story on its own too, and it sparked some HUGE controversy about the “real” owner of those bags… Anyway, I won’t get into it because the bottom line is, whoever really owns all those Hermes goodies… *droooool :)* Siiigh, I can’t even fathom the amount spent on them– being the ditz that I am, I would go postal if I get asked to estimate the value of all those! *raspberry*)

Anyway I will not harp about this blogger problem anymore (heck I’m not even a paying customer haha and I dare complain?!). After all, I have pondered about it over and over again as to why I couldn’t get on it. At first I thought perhaps I made a mistake with the password. But turned out it was correct. The account was certainly not hacked, I mean, what would they get out of hacking it anyway? It would’ve had some nasty photo of a fake LV handluggage *cough cough* by now, if it were hacked. Tsk tsk. Que mal!

So yesterday’s *thought of* demise of my blog undeterred me from going out. After all, I was to share in a very special moment in the life of Preview Magazine’s best dressed fashionista, DaphP. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be asked to come and see Daph’s 2nd soon-t0-be-born baby (woohoo her first ever photo!!). This was of course made possible with the uber cool G.E. 4-D ultrasound machine of Fort Med Clinic in Makati. It was such an emotional experience and I was just so honored that I got asked. DaphP and PatrickP, thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this very private moment. It is really an unforgettable experience and I am so proud to be part of it. 😀

ATTENTION PREGGY BAG HAGS : You HAFTA have 4-D ultrasound (It’s wayyy better than 3D) at the Fort Med Clinic when you reach your 7th or 8th month into your pregnancy. I also had my own 4-D ultrasound done at Fort Med for my 2nd baby and it was just awesome. Tessa Prieto-V also had her 4-D done there for her baby daughter Athena (woooow, now that’s what I call “good social climbing tactics” *hahaha* have your ultrasound done at where all the other “celebs” are having it done *hahaha ok that made me sound real pathetic hahaha*). Psst, ey, but I had mine done first! I popped Feb of last year and TessaV popped in May. I started the trend *guffaw guffaw!!!* Ok, kidding aside (because that last sentence really inflated my usually non-existent ego haha), this 4-D ultrasound is just so amazing, and eventhough this time I was a spectator, I got all emotional seeing DaphP’s little cutie wiggling around and sucking thumb *awwwww*. We were able to see the baby’s facial structures– her nose, her eyes, eyelids, and mouth. That was baby’s first “portrait” 😀 The price for this 4D procedure was surprisingly cheap too, at a few hundred under Php 3,000 (while Cardinal Santos was charging something like Php 5,000– I asked!). And not only that, proud parents get to take home a photo as well as a CD copy of their baby (in motion! Hence 4D– there is movement!!). FORT MED CLINIC is a pretty cozy and very clean clinic, you don’t have to worry about being in the same environment with communicable viruses or bacteria *which would in all likelihood be more present at hospitals* (I mean if you are pregnant, hello, you have to try as much as possible to stay in a “clean” environment, right? It is for the betterment of your baby!) located at 3/F Equitable Bank Bldg, Jupiter Street corner Paseo de Roxas, Bel-Air Makati City. For 4-D ultrasound appointments, please call (632) 897-9111 to 19. I guarantee, it’s such an exhilirating experience, even someone who isn’t pregnant will appreciate the wonders of this technology.

Anyyyway, such an experience merited some form of celebration for moi– a celebration of life again :). And this time, I headed out sans hubby (who had his share of boys night out the night before *hehehe wink wink*) to Embassy (where all the young ‘uns are). I went there actually to meet up with BB (whom I met briefly earlier in the afternoon at Cibo with SR and JF (with a metallic Ferragamo bag) before Fort Med *WOOOHOO check out BB’s Chanel bag!*).

It was not to the Embassy Super Club I went, but to Embassy’s Cuisine. I had a light Japanese meal with my NAB (Non alcoholic beverage) *hehehe Hot Lemonade!!!*. It was hilarious to be at Cuisine because for one, I have NEVER been there before, and two, I ran into two old friends, RL and GA who both (on separate occasions) lamented “Oh my gosh, Mrs. T I didn’t know you go out at night!” *Muwahahaha* I MUST be old to get THOSE exact same comments 😀 But frankly I do hardly go out at night, instead spending time out during the day running errands and on off- times, heading to the mall *like Market!Market! where I spied this HUGE gold bag from Secosana 😀 hehehe– I should’ve asked if that bag was for sale because obviously, I can’t afford to buy the HUGE Hermes Kelly bag that was in Hermes Vancouver!!* (photo with Huge, huge Hermes Kelly is my best friend KG).
Here are some more peeps I ran into at Cuisine: My coussin ErikC, Embassy’s mainman, with his ladylove MichelleP.
Also seated on our table was
Tatler’s KarlaA.
Of course, the night would’ve been incomplete without the nonsexual couple
BB and Hannah 😀 It was really fun, but by 12.30 am, I had to head out because my allergy was acting up (I arrived Cuisine at 11.40pm, so I was there for barely an hour Hahaha *cough OLD FART!* Even DH said, “whoa, that was a quickie!” *guffaw guffaw, no pun intended!*).

Today was a good day as well, having met a new baghag! Apart from that, the only thing that bothers me the most is having to tell everyone that my blog address has moved to this for now, at least until everything gets straightened out. Nevertheless, I think this blog address is wayy too cute so I might as well keep this. I guess will remain an archive blog…

FOR COMMENT POSTERS AT TRESORMAKATI.BLOGSPOT.COM: Please, please please repost all your comments on this site. I greatly appreciate it. I know it’s a terrible inconvenience, but I would love to hear from you all! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD about my new blog address!! It’s THEBAGHAG.BLOGSPOT.COM 🙂

THANKS SO MUCH!!! And I hope to see you all here soon!!!

P.S. Guess who finally received the Chanel silver bowler bag 😀 *Special thanks to BB for all his help! Wolfwhistle!!!* (Psst congratulate me because I was able to sell one of my LV bags awhile back to have been able to get this *see, we hafta be economical when it comes to expensive bags too– don’t we all wish money grew on trees! sigh…*)

Don’t fret, you are still reading the diary of the same old bragging, shallow, self-centered, socialclimbing bag hag *wannabe* that you all know 😀 One day yet again, I will muster the courage to post my mini bag collection *by the way, if you can, get a hold of Preview Magazine June issue. There’s this lady, Ms. Ongpauco who has about 100 bags!!! I swooned coz I will never own 100 bags, let alone half of that!*

Nite Hags!!! A night more and I will be turning a year older (and I hope, wiser– as the cliche goes)

  1. Congratz on the silver bowler. I have the metallic black and love it! Happy birthday!

    from LA

  2. secosana has paddington-esque bags… and i think that’s a luella-esque [?] bag below the paddington… 😀

    i wish they had invented the 4d ultrasound before 1990 so that i could have had my own moving pictures! 😛

  3. I was wondering why you weren’t updating, until I opened the comment box from the old blogspot! haha I love love love your bag collection! That silver bowler bag looks stunning! Enjoy it!

  4. Housewarming Party!!! New address for Tresor!!!

    T, thanks for letting convincing me to do the 4D ultrasound. You know I was a bit hesitant, because I didn’t want to see my baby looking like an alien. But when we saw the face… WOW!!! “Cute baby!!!” (aren’t all babies cute?). Thanks thanks thanks. Unforgettable experience.

    Too bad about — i still havent received any news about the account status so im just glad i moved to this new address– haha and the name “thebaghag” woohoo (i shouldve done, Thebaghagwannabe :D)

    Bday is on JUNE 17! 🙂 thanks for all your well wishes!

    Check out JUNE 17 POST– JOIN in the BRAG A BAG/ BAG COLLECTION contest!!!


  6. happy birthday to my best friend.. =) you are really a great friend.. thanks for everything.. =)

  7. i was beginning to go thru BAGHAG withdrawal again– good thing i checked the comments section! glad to have found you again! LOL! : )

    looooove the silver bowler MRS. T : )

    – jhen

  8. hi mrs t.

    i was wondering why you haven’t been updating your blog. good na lang i checked out the comments section and read that you have a new blog spot. 😉

    keep your posts coming and more power to you! my week isn’t complete without going to your site. honest!

  9. Hags:
    Thanks thanks again! Im glad to see you all back here 😀

    One blogspot mishap won’t stop me from moving onto another, so if I somehow ceased to blog, do check out the COMMENTS on the latest post. Perhaps the same thing happened again, which would lead me to yet a new blog 😀


  10. that silver chanel is breathtaking! wow, I would be over the moon to have a bag that gorgeous! I want to see that woman’s 100 bag collection.