A Work Week- end Reveal!

I have long admitted that I am shallow– a pair of cheap sunnies from Walmart (yes, you read that right, WALMART :D) would already make me a happy camper for days. Can’t help it, I am a materialistic baghag *snicker*! Hehehe seriously, I’m just being honest here 🙂  So when a good friend sends over a nice little “care” package, you can only imaging how happy I get 🙂 *adrenalin rush!*  She just told me “you’ll be so happy when you see it. Or at least I hope you’ll be happy when you see it.”
So I was thinking to myself *the winning lottery ticket would be nice! Hah! Tall order!*, what could this be? Forget this guessing game, I’m really bad with surprises and guessing games.  I opened it as I was devouring a can of almond dragées *I’ve become such a sugar freak because of these dragées by the way, ugh!*
Pastel colored almond dragées

Going back, the package was opened, and the box was red. Valentino red. A red shoebox!!

I opened the box and there they were… *looooove at first sight*

Valentino studded flats!!
I have not bought pointy flats for a very looong time (think 3 years if I count it correctly).  I prayed hard that these shoes would fit me. Oh believe me I prayed. And hah, like Cinderella the shoes fit!!! *Hal-leihhh-looo-yaaaahhh*


The veiny feet meet the strappy and studded flats 😀
So there, a reveal this week. I have yet to pay for these shoes– it’s honestly too much a gift to accept  *Ok I can be a hypocrite when I say that, so bear with me– I may not take the shoes but I’ll gladly take the winning lottery ticket from anyone who has it hahaha!!*
Oh and I still want the other pair which Alexa Chung wore. Hoping they’d be available soon!
Hope you guys have a great weekend ahead! 🙂
Mrs. T

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