A McDonald’s Sunday!

I love McDonald’s. My DKs love McDonald’s too. In fact, they love it so much that they always ask for a McDonald’s party for their birthdays.

We love Ronald 🙂

My DKs adore him 🙂  It makes me smile just thinking about how they react when they see Ronald— it’s like they saw a Hollywood celebrity 🙂

Today was the birthday of my youngest child. The party was held at McDonald’s Rockwell (it has been held there for the past 3 years actually hehehe). And today was also most certainly a McDonald’s Sunday for Mrs.T 🙂 
And here’s why I dedicated my Sunday and this post to McDonald’s 🙂 This morning when I woke up, all I wanted was to either have a McChicken sandwich or a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. I wanted either sooooooo bad. I had no desire to cook today *surprise, surprise, right? And I thought I was going to dethrone Nigella Lawson hahaha* because I was in no mood to prepare anything. I just wanted to get out of bed, have my McChicken or Quarter Pounder and go straight to the party at McDonald’s with the kids (to have Chicken McDo with rice :D).
I made up my mind– I figured only the Quarter Pounder with Cheese would satisfy my craving. Besides, I was having Chicken McDo at the party. So Quarter Pounder with Cheese it was. I also thought of buying a few orders of french fries as well
(which was a dilemma because I only had Php 220 in my wallet at the time. hahaha.. So I was actually thinking of begging DH to pay hahaha) because I was under the impression that you need to exceed a certain amount of food purchase to have your food delivered. 

I dialed 8-McDo (8-6236) on the phone.

Boy, was I a good girl today or what? It was as if my prayers (my having only Php 220  in my wallet “problem”) were answered– I was going to get my Quarter Pounder today, for lunch!
Because? There’s a machine recording that said that there is no more minimum purchase required for delivery!!  For a flat fee of just Php 40, you can  now have anything (hehehe like just 1 order of Quarter Pounder with cheese hehehe!) delivered to your place!! *This, as opposed to the past wherein 10% of your bill is the amount charged as their delivery rate– with a minimum purchase requirement*

Oh mah goodness, you have noooo idea how that was music to my ears! 🙂 *wide grin*

Anyway, so I ordered my Quarter Pounder with Cheese– for just Php 128, plus the Php 40. (WoooHoo under Php 200!!!)
Suffice to say, I had a splendid lunch at home, thanks to McDonald’s home delivery 🙂 
Oh and I also just found out now that you can actually place your delivery orders at  www.mcdelivery.com.ph Hehehehe, that Quarter Pounder with Cheese will just be a click away *wooohoooo!!!!*

(Photo credits: www.aboutmcdonalds.com. Sorry I didn’t take photos of my Quarter Pounder because when it arrived, I literally wolfed it all down 😀 *I was hungryyyyy :D*)

Gotta Love McDonald’s 🙂  They do know how to make everything convenient for their customers!

What about you peeps? What’s your favorite at McDonald’s? 🙂

P.S. Happy, Happy Birthday to my beloved DK!!! *Who sometimes reads this blog :)*  Mommy looooves you soooo much!!! 🙂  *tight hug* 🙂

Mrs. T

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  1. i should read your blog on a full stomach because everytime i read it, it’s about goood food and i always get hungry! i love mcdonald’s ! I love quarter pounder with cheese although it’s so small na.. but i can go on eating chicken nuggets with rice everyday… with barbecue sauce! yumyum!!!

  2. Hi, Mrs. T!

    Saw you today at McDo Rockwell! I was starstruck LOL I kept telling my hubby, “That’s her, The Baghag!” And he said, “Which one?”. I then replied, “The one with the cutesy top and scrunchie (was it?)”. He finally saw you and said, “You mean the really tall lady?” 😀 And then I realized, you are tall, like a mowdel 😀 Or maybe it’s coz your guests are all sitting down?

    Anyway, you looked fab and I wanted to crash your party and bring my son in, so he can join games and eat fries, but of course I can’t LOL 😀 Afraid to be kicked out by Powerplant guards.

    Happy Birthday to your kid!

    Btw, I bought an Apple Leather Care set from your shop 🙂

  3. My favorite is Double Cheeseburger Deluxe with large fries and large coke!!!! Yum… Maybe I’ll have that for lunch… 😀

  4. @Chriscie: I loooove McChicken too! I’m having that for lunch today 🙂 WooHoo!!!

    @Anon: yeah I just tried that yesterday (fries + sundae). I used to think it was so gross LOL but then I tasted it yesterday and it was pretty darn good, I must admit 🙂

    @appledumplings: Wooohoooo!!!! Yeah that large coke does it 🙂

    @Yvonne MV: Oh my gosh! You should’ve come up to me! I wasn’t wearing a scrunchie– it was actually a floral tie-back 🙂 LOL (gosh it looked like a scrunchie? hahahah). Anyway yeah you shouldve come so I would’ve invited your son inside to play games!! 🙂 And lol I am not mowdel tall (mowdels are 5’10 up– i’m close to 5’9 but not quite there yet hahahaha). Too bad! Next time you run into me, please please come up and introduce yourself 🙂 Would’ve wanted to meet you!!

    @roxy831: Quarter pounder still the same size 🙂 *it’s still a quarter- pounder :D* And oh my like you, I looove chicken nuggets too!!

  5. no minimum required purchase for delivery?? wow that’s a real fab marketing strategy 🙂 their closest rival should take note (wink wink). sayang, the closest mcdo branch to our house was a ‘victim’ of ondoy and hasn’t re-opened until now. 🙁

  6. I think I’ve read about the Mc Do no minimum requirement in Inquirer today if I am not mistaken. Good for you lol My favorite order in Mc Do is the fillet- o – fish yummy plus calories haha Saya ng ang running ko! xoxo

  7. Big n Tasty, fries and hot fudge sundae…so good!!! Another (new)favorite of mine is the Mac Snack Wrap. It’s a Big Mac but instead of using a bun, it’s in a flour tortilla.


  8. upon reading your post the other day, i immediately craved for a quarter pounder…sadly up to now i havent had my mcdo fix…my former office is near a mcdo branch and there was one time wherein for one week straight i had the quarter pounder meal for lunch (never mind the cal!) okay, im now salivating, maybe i will order in a while 🙂

    anyhow, i used to pass by accessory lab every weekend and most of the time you’re there and most of the time, for some reason, im intimidated to come in..

  9. @Anon: Ugh I want McDo now!! LOL Why would I be so intimidating??? LOL I don’t understand it– is it because I’m a big girl? LoL Please, I am the craziest person you’ll ever meet and you’ll be glad to meet me 😀 *coz I’ll make you laugh so hard hahahaha*

    @Pbb: Thanks 🙂 🙂 xx

    @MBL: Yum that sounds real good!!!

    @browneyedgirl + Mrsmartinez: yeah isn’t it great? 🙂 all these quick fixes!!

  10. I think Mcdonald’s 8Mcdo service has always been great. Remember those commercials before when they show you that they go as far as like pampering you or whatever? Basta I don’t remember the exact plot but it was parang ganon. I use 8Mcdo all the time and I’m usually alone so this is really really great especially when I crave and wanna get me some large fries! Woohoo! 🙂