Back in San Francisco!

As has always been the case, being back in San Francisco means slower internet at home because we never subscribed to cable internet and instead just rely on mobile hotspotting. Booo 🙁

However this also means one thing: actually “living” life offline hahaha. A pretty welcome change actually, because I seem to have the phone stuck on my hand practically 24/7! 😉

The last few days here have already allowed me to spend hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm– something I actually looove to do but can’t seem to have time to do it! IMG_20150625_083719



I’ve also been able to take a nice drive up north to see a friend in the countryside 🙂


I love the relaxed atmosphere that this city brings– actually I live inland, in the ‘burbs which is a good 20mins away from downtown SF. I can actually hear the birds chirping outside my room in the morning 😉

Anyway the 3g on my phone just got so much slower so I’ll update you peeps again soon!


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